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  design We enjoy having Happy Clients!  

Be prepared to hear “you’re too small”, “can you do this?” and be ready to explain that being small means first of all mobility, speed of execution, removing unnecessary filters, and be more dedicated to the project and have more time to build better customer relationship. 
Learn to enjoy every victory, whether it’s approval of a label, a logo or a direct mail, because, for sure, all this means in a communication campaign as much as a TVC. 
Work for anyone who has something to do,
as long as they respect your work, because in this phase your portfolio is the most important, do not thinking in terms of “small customers/big customers”, as there are only really small or big ideas. 
Be honest with everyone and with yourself first,
do what you do know better and let others do what they know best to do, recognize your limits and everyone will recognize the merits of your. 
Do not be afraid of competition - each “game” gives you the opportunity to experience new things and to know yourself better. 
Learn to respect people, be it your team, clients and even yourself - you made your own company because you were not happy with how things went on, so make sure you do not make the same mistakes that others have done with you. 
Have fun, be relaxed, laugh every time you get a chance, everyone will be pleased to work with someone who knows how to smile regardless of the circumstances. 

    We deliver on our promises each and every time.  